THERE IS A NEW WORLD SOMEWHERE is a coming of age story about self-revelation.
Sylvia, a struggling artist in New York, is fired from her job and flees back to her Texas hometown for a friend’s wedding. At the pre-wedding party, she meets an enigmatic stranger, Esteban. On the eve of the big day, he dares her to join him on a road trip through the jewel cities of the Deep South.
There is a New World Somewhere: Official Trailer.
Director's Statement

The subconscious seeds of There is a New World Somewhere surfaced five years ago in the form of a short story, and the screenwriting process has transformed a quiet scene in a motel room into a full, robust story of a woman’s journey to self-identity. TIANWS is about Sylvia, a misguided young woman, searching for distractions of every kind to evade facing her internal demons. At this stage in life, I feel as close to our heroine as I’ll ever be. Abundant in passion but lacking in ways to physically manifest it, this story was a way for me to try to understand myself and fight my own self-doubts. This is why I want to make this film, for I feel anyone who has tried to express anything abstract can relate to these fears. As Wim Wenders said, “I want to make personal films, not private films."
This film cannot be completed without the support of friends and allies. Independent film solely exists because of belief. Please join us on this journey - I am looking forward to finding new worlds together.
Thank you,
Li Lu, Writer/Director